Remedial Massage Richmond Melbourne

Tailored Remedial Massages just for you

Our tailored remedial massages are centred around discovering how you unwind or recover, as we understand that no two bodies are alike. Identifying precise sources of tension, we create a tailored remedial treatment based on your body, aiming for the best possible outcome every single time. Our treatments are consistently relaxing and thorough, designed according to your goals and level of comfort.

Remedial Massage Prices

  • $115

  • $150

  • $195

  • $420

Sports Massage Richmond

Start Here: Are you looking for a Tailored Remedial Massage?

  • Are you looking for a little tune-with a Richmond Massage, a little self-love, are you competing in a juggling competition soon and need to get some soft tissue work into those shoulders, or perhaps looking for a little special gift for your partner? We can do all of that and more here.

  • Perhaps you’re tight and wound up like our twisted friend here. If you’re not injured, just sore, maybe through your back, hips, hamstrings? Then look at our incredible back massage below. Or perhaps you need some specific muscle release, book in for a remedial massage in Richmond at our clinic. More info is in stage 2 below on the massages we offer.

Remedial Massage Richmond Melbourne

Decide on your Remedial Massage

  • $115

  • $150

  • $195

  • $420

Remedial Massage Richmond Melbourne

Dance a little and Come in for your Remedial Massage or Sports Massage

  • Once you’ve booked in, you’ll receive a confirmation email. In this email, we will give you our secret location.

    We’ll also send you a link where you can fill in some more information that your Melbourne Remedial Therapist will only see.

    You’ll find our Richmond Massage clinic in a set of office units on the corner of Bromham Place in Richmond. From outside, there is a blue Evolutio sign outside our door.

  • You’ll think you’ve walked into the set of when Harry met Sally. Our clinic waiting room is here to your left. A large wooden table that we made from reclaimed wood. Have a seat here and your practitioner will be with you shortly.

  • You can expect that you’ll feel extremely comfortable with us, there might be unique trip-hop music in the background.

Remedial Massage Richmond

Step Four: After your Richmond Massage

  • Elated, Ecstatic, Euphoric. In all seriousness, you should feel supported, listened to, and understood by your Massage therapist.

  • You’ll receive an email from your health practitioner within two days of your appointment, with a summary of the session, what they found, a diagnosis if it’s possible this early on (sometimes this is tough after one session), and a plan to get you better, with what you need to do, how often you will need to come in and a timeframe for when we think you will be better.

  • If you have any questions at all. It’s best to email your physio directly. They will help clear that up, if you weren’t happy or completely satisfied, feel free to touch base with Phill via to raise any concerns you have about your session.

Remedial Massage Richmond Melbourne

Why Should I get a Remedial Massage in Richmond Melbourne?

Getting a remedial massage in Richmond, Melbourne can offer numerous benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. Remedial massage therapy is designed to target specific areas of tension, discomfort, or pain in the body, providing relief and promoting overall wellness. Whether you're experiencing muscle soreness, back pain, neck pain, headaches, or recovering from an injury, remedial massage can be highly effective in alleviating symptoms and aiding in rehabilitation.

One of the primary benefits of remedial massage is pain relief. By applying specialized techniques to release tight muscles and improve circulation, remedial massage can help reduce discomfort and promote healing in affected areas. Moreover, it can enhance your range of motion by increasing flexibility and mobility, making it easier to move and perform daily activities without restrictions.

Beyond physical benefits, remedial massage also offers significant mental health advantages. Massage therapy is known to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels by triggering the release of endorphins, natural mood elevators. This can help alleviate the physical and mental effects of stress, allowing you to unwind and rejuvenate both body and mind.

Moreover, remedial massage can contribute to improved posture by addressing muscular imbalances and realigning the body. For individuals who spend long hours sitting at a desk or engaging in activities that promote poor posture, regular massage sessions can help correct posture-related issues and prevent future discomfort.

Additionally, massage therapy stimulates blood circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to muscles and organs more efficiently. This improved circulation promotes overall health and well-being, while also aiding in the removal of metabolic waste products from tissues.

Furthermore, remedial massage can enhance sleep quality by reducing insomnia and promoting relaxation. Better sleep quality contributes to better overall health, mood, and cognitive function, making it an essential aspect of holistic wellness.

Overall, investing in remedial massage in Richmond, Melbourne can be a valuable step towards improving your health and well-being. Whether you're seeking pain relief, stress reduction, improved posture, or better sleep, remedial massage offers a holistic approach to wellness, addressing both physical and mental aspects of health.

Sports Massage Richmond

What are the Benefits of a Sports Massage in Richmond?

Getting a sports massage in Richmond provides numerous benefits, particularly for individuals who are physically active or engaged in sports. Sports massage is specifically designed to cater to the needs of athletes, helping them improve performance, prevent injuries, and recover faster from intense training or competition. By addressing specific muscle groups and areas of tension, sports massage can optimize muscle function, coordination, and flexibility, enabling athletes to perform at their peak.

One of the key advantages of sports massage is its ability to prevent injuries by identifying and addressing muscle imbalances, tightness, or weaknesses before they escalate into more serious issues. Through regular sessions, athletes can maintain optimal muscle condition, reducing the risk of strains, sprains, and overuse injuries that could sideline their training or competition goals.

Moreover, sports massage facilitates faster recovery by promoting blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and the removal of metabolic waste products from muscles. This accelerates the healing process, minimizes post-exercise soreness, and enables athletes to return to training more quickly, ensuring continuity and progress in their athletic pursuits.

Sports massage also offers targeted pain relief for athletes dealing with muscle soreness, tension, or discomfort related to their physical activity. By applying various techniques such as deep tissue massage and stretching, sports massage therapists can alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and enhance mobility, allowing athletes to train and compete more comfortably and effectively.

Furthermore, sports massage promotes mental relaxation and stress reduction, similar to other forms of massage therapy. By stimulating the release of endorphins, the body's natural stress relievers, sports massage helps athletes unwind mentally and emotionally, promoting overall well-being and resilience in the face of physical and mental challenges.

Overall, getting a sports massage in Richmond is a valuable investment in an athlete's performance, recovery, and overall health. Whether you're a professional athlete striving for peak performance or a recreational enthusiast seeking to stay injury-free and enjoy your sport to the fullest, sports massage can play a vital role in optimizing your athletic endeavors.