Why Sitting Could Actually be Your New Best Friend!
Sitting generally gets a pretty bad wrap.. Sitting at your desk all day can be a pretty big contributing factor to that pesky neck or back pain that you have been experiencing. Not to mention that increasing waistline that sitting at a desk all day won't be helping.. Most health professionals might agree that sitting could be classed as the new smoking.

21,000 Reps vs 30
We breathe on average about 21,000 times a day. Now, what if we are not breathing correctly? That’s a lot of times in one day to do something wrong. There’s various ways to breathe: mouth V nasal, chest V abdominal. Some good, some not so good. If our breathing pattern is not “normal”, then we will struggle to normalise any of our other movement patterns.
Optimal oxygenation occurs through nasal breathing. We should be doing this 99% of the time. Mouth breathing is associated with “fight or flight”, whereas nasal breathing is associated with “rest and digest”. Basically we want to convince our brain that it is in a “rest and digest” state a majority of the time to reap the benefits. Nasal breathing reassures our subconscious we are safe. We need to turn nasal breathing into a habit. This can be tricky at first, but we will explain how and why you should be doing this below.