Cultivating Superheros
“To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.” – Doug Conant, CEO of Campbell’s Soup
Before I get too far into this article, I want to make it clear that I don't run a multinational company (I've always wanted to use the word multinational). So I'm not pretending I know all the answers to the ways of the world. I am though a 29yr old guy who has worked within several different businesses, run a business myself for 3 years now and operated as an infantry platoon commander for several years which was actually very similar to running a small business. We had targets to reach, training to do, soldiers had personal issues that needed looking after, we had to motivate the troops and provide interesting training and be role models. If we did this, then output would be good. Neglect these areas and the guys would just saunter around until the bar was open.

Sun Tzu’s The Art of Giving
It was many centuries ago, that I was first introduced to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Young, wide-eyed and inquisitive it opened my mind to the sophistication, yet simplicity of conflict.
Fast forward on the tape and you’ll find yourself, feet floating, in a world that is as stable as ever.
Recently two of our newest team members at Evolutio who have made me realise an important point in how we got to where we are today. A position where we’re lucky enough to have treated over two thousand clients here in Melbourne over the past four years.
That point, is the art of giving.

Muscle of the Month
They say that “the people who you spend the most time with you become”; Deepak Chopra, so in an attempt to make you all more awesome we have decided to give exclusive access and intel to the inner workings of the mind at Evolutio HQ. Welcome to the world of discussions about food, training, rehab, food and umm more food talk.