3 Keys to a Great Kettlebell Bottom-Up Press
To illustrate my point, let's break down one of my favourite shoulder exercises - the Kettlebell Bottom Up Press. This exercise is a staple in our upper body rehab programs because it’s challenging (and humbling) and allows us to highlight some key muscles and areas that need work. Most importantly, it works. This exercise has also been described as a good predictor for shoulder injury (Shank, 2016). Generally, if your bottom-up press is more than 10kg off your standard kettlebell press, your shoulder stability needs improvement. Most athletes are pretty strong in their shoulders globally, but their stability sucks. It’s like it's selling a Ferrari with bald tyres and using the braking system of my beloved Toyota Corolla. And I know you will all be thinking, but Corolla's are excellent, and they are, but you get the point.

Why do you need to Strengthen your Neck Muscles?
Here at Evolutio we gather once a month to battle it out over the ever disputed “Muscle of the Month”. Following the successful vote a program is written targeted at strengthening this specific muscle or muscle group.

5 Strength Exercises for a Desert Island
If I were going to a desert island and could only take one type of squat with me, I would pick Bulgarian Split Squats.
If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me "so and so told me I have the hardest traps they've ever touched" ... well, honestly all I would probably do with it is bankroll an even more extravagant Woolies Dreamy Choc cookie habit than I already have (but how sick would that be!)
What I mean is, the upper traps would have to be the most massaged area of the body. But they’re still so tight all the time, amiright?

Men are Attracted to a Strong Woman
I’m very lucky to be surrounded by women of this calibre; women who are strong not only physically but, in their values, their opinions, and in standing the fuck up for themselves. These women are athletes, entrepreneurs, and experts in their fields; they are basically strong at life. Their courage and strength inspire me to be stronger, they will tell me when I’m being a dickhead, and encourage me to not allow anyone else to treat me like one.

Blood Flow Restriction training during this Glittering tropical fuckstorm of Cosmic Proportions
At time of writing the only people who have access to all the gym equipment they need to train with any kind of normalcy are either very lucky, very resourceful or very rich.
Personally, I’m not the kind of person to have a gratitude journal but if I did I’m sure there would be many pages on how grateful I am that my amazing gym loaned me some of their weights, I was able to borrow some from the clinic, and my twin sister has been stockpiling second-hand gym equipment from Gumtree for years (I’m sorry about all the jokes Kel - it wasn’t weird, you are a fkn genius.)

The Gym Rules you Need
Use the smallest possible number of plates.
Load the heaviest plates closest to the centre.
Put them back where they go, neatly and in order.

Fascia, Tensegrity & The Continuous Ambush of Tension
Now I’m not casting aspersions on any childhood songs in particular, but we have a tendency to imagine the body in movement as a rigid frame being pulled on by distinct muscles to produce specific joint actions. eg: the hamstrings pull on the shin bones to produce knee flexion. While this is not technically incorrect, are we sure this is the best way to view and address human movement?
If we were talking about robots, then I think it would be a fine. In that case, treating any pain or dysfunction would be more a case of finding the part that wasn’t working and fixing the hydraulics at that joint.