Poor Movement Patterns exist only in your Brain
Poor movement can exist anywhere in the body. Poor movement patterns exist only in the brain.
The Initial assumption of pain and motor control stemmed from basic inhibition (e.g. knee joint inflammation causing inhibition of the Inner Quad VMO muscle). When pain exists, you can occasionally get an increase in muscle activation (high threshold strategy) depending on the given role of the muscle (agonist or antagonist).
If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me "so and so told me I have the hardest traps they've ever touched" ... well, honestly all I would probably do with it is bankroll an even more extravagant Woolies Dreamy Choc cookie habit than I already have (but how sick would that be!)
What I mean is, the upper traps would have to be the most massaged area of the body. But they’re still so tight all the time, amiright?

Why Sitting Could Actually be Your New Best Friend!
Sitting generally gets a pretty bad wrap.. Sitting at your desk all day can be a pretty big contributing factor to that pesky neck or back pain that you have been experiencing. Not to mention that increasing waistline that sitting at a desk all day won't be helping.. Most health professionals might agree that sitting could be classed as the new smoking.

take a Walk on the Wild Side
Thinking back to my teens, I distinctly remember hearing my mum talking about going for a walk and thinking to myself “what a lazy form of exercise”. I thought, “my parents just got slack, that’ll never happen to me”, and “why walk when you can run??”.
How immature and completely wrong I was!

Technique is King - or is it ??
If you’ve ever done any of the exercise, it’s likely that you’ve heard the phrase “technique is King” (or similar).
I’d like to play the devil’s advocate here, just to question whether our fetish with form has missed the point. Maybe it hasn’t - I’m happy to be wrong on this one.
I feel like culture around technique has drifted so far out of context that it’s more like the Emperor’s new clothes. It seems to have devolved into a lot of mansplaining dweebs stipulating narrower and narrower terms and conditions on any movement and trolling any differing perspective until everyone’s too tired of the criticism to step out and say “Oi! Maybe there’s a bit more to it than that.”

When motivation = meltdown
In the lead up to summer, the fitness industry is flooding us with 8 week challenges, 2 week unlimited deals, and other varying incentives to get us back in shape.
Being motivated to get in shape is great! So what’s the issue?

Evolutio - Getting rid of your pesky Orthotics Forever
When we look at flat feet, are orthotics really the answer? Or are they an old fashioned, easy road our practitioner and we take to solve a more in depth problem?
Do we realise that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (actual physics law by Newton) therefore by placing ourselves in orthotics we are going to cause an equal and opposite reaction elsewhere in the foot and body.